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Stainborough Castle

Stainborough Castle is an impressive 18th century folly situated within the Grade I listed gardens of
Wentworth Castle, a magnificent stately home and estate in South Yorkshire. Stainborough Castle was built between 1724-30 on the site of an Iron Age hill fort and occupies a commanding position in the landscape

It is a fine example of Gothic Revival architecture, and contained a banqueting hall between the four round towers of the gatehouse, four square towers are located at various points on the enclosure or curtain wall. 

The gatehouse has undergone restoration to save the remaining two towers after the collapse of both towers on the North side. This collapse destroyed three walls of the banqueting hall, however traces of high quality plaster work can still be seen in the surviving wall.

The building is in the care of Wentworth Castle Gardens and is an impressive monument set in the historic gardens of the main house.

I conducted a laser scan survey on the castle in November 2011 this survey provides a detailed metric dataset on the condition of the surviving ruins.
Laser scan survey of the castle, November 2011
Section through the laser scan data.
Section through the laser scan data.
Historic image of the gatehouse before the collapse of the northern towers