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This VR presentation requires the QuickTime plugin on your web browser. The file should work fine on all browsers, however a potential issue with QuickTime does exist with Firefox 4 on an Apple Mac, if you experience problems please try another web browser or download the VR presentation from this page for use offline. You can read about the creation of this project here

To explore the prehistoric wetland, hold down your left mouse button and drag the cursor across the image to change the camera view, you can view all 360 degrees at your current location.

To change locations click the map icon to access the map, navigate to a new location by selecting the desired position icon. Navigation can also be achieved from your current view, by accessing movement hotspots within the image. Your cursor will change to a white arrow to indicate you can move to the location it is pointing at, to move simply click the left mouse button.

The file is approximately 3.7Mb in size so may take a few seconds to load. 
A Prehistoric Wetland VR
Right click here to Download File for use offlineFev_Instr_files/Fenland3.mov
Click here to explore the VR Fen_VR.html